Tuesday, March 31, 2009

All-Thumb girls team announced

Here is the All-Thumb girls team. Check out the individual newspaper sites on the right and papers themselves today for more coverage of the team...
POY- Alicia Leipprandt - Ubly
TOTY - Brown City
COTY - Cindy Burton - BC
Marisssa DeMott - Sandusky
Kristen Greene - Brown City
Kayla Doshier - Millington
Alicia Leipprandt - Ubly
Amber Gotham - Reese
Jillian Williamson - USA
Kayla Verbeek - Vassar
Dani Gremel - USA
Jade Ackerman - Reese
Stephanie Maxwell - EPBP
Amara Wilson - Marlette
Meaghan Fortsch - Caseville
HM: Whitney Fox - Kingston, Sarah Clancy - NH, Allyson Coglin - PH,Michelle Burgess - BC, Madie Hale - Sandusky, Ashley Hatfield - EPBP,Jackie VanderGraaff - Cros-Lex, Amanda Ellis - Caro, Lyndsay White -Ubly, Dawn Albrecht - CPS, Jamie Frahm - MIllington, Kaylee Lochrie -Harbor Beach, Jennica Richards - CC, Bethany Grates - Caseville, SamBreault - Bad Axe
Girls Breakdown (by class)
Freshmen 0
Sophomores 1
Juniors 9
Seniors 17

Friday, March 27, 2009

The All-Thumb Girls Basketball 1st team includes...

A photo shoot was held last evening in Sandusky for members of the first team of the TSA's All-Thumb Girls Basketbal Team. It was our first venture into doing something of this magnitude and it was a huge success.
Thanks to Al DeMott for all his help in making this a reality.
While it is now obvious who the first team is, to find out who is on the second team and who received honorable mentions, as well as who won the individual awards, you'll have to check out the Wednesday edition of your local newspaper, as well as this blog, where photos that did not make the paper will be posted.